
Monday, 25 January 2016

3 Secret Reasons Men Eventually Leave ‘Good’ Women

Understanding these issues can help you get over a bad breakup … or, possibly help you get your ex back. Here are the three secret reasons men break up with really great women: 1. He felt pressured and inadequate
one caucasian couple dispute separation man leaving and woman holding back in studio silhouette isolated on white background
Were you constantly chasing him? Did you want more love, affection, or s*x than what he was doling out? Did you feel like you were frequently trying to “fix” things in the relationship?
If you can identify with any of these, there was definitely an imbalance in your relationship, and more than likely he felt pressured and inadequate in your presence. And it’s important that you know … that’s not at all your fault.
Most men run from emotional pressure like they’re running for their lives (because, in their minds, they are running for their lives). Emotional pressure challenges the underdeveloped part of a man’s masculinity and makes him feel ill-equipped to deal. In his mind, he feels like anything he does isn’t (and never will be) good enough for you. This causes men to naturally shut down and lock their hearts up like Fort Knox, rather than deal with any more feelings of pressure or inadequacy.
2. Your relationship felt competitive
If a man has to compete with a woman for control of the relationship, he not only feels inadequate, but also like there’s no place for his masculinity in his woman’s life.
Keep this in mind: it’s very important.
This isn’t to say that a man should control the entire relationship, that’s unfair to both parties. Rather, a successful relationship has complementary forces where each person relinquishes control in certain areas. If this doesn’t happen, both parties end up in competition — both compete to win and, in the end, the relationship loses. This dynamic shows up in scenarios like these:
In a social context with friends! Did the two of you get in arguments about who was “right” in front of friends?​
Financially, who is the breadwinner? Did you make more money than him? And more importantly, was it ever brought up in a way that emasculated him?
Relationally, did you constantly make the decisions in the relationship? Where to eat, what fun things to do, or what movies to attend?
If he felt like you were against him instead of for him, he never felt fully capable of opening his heart because he was afraid of losing the “game” and getting hurt.
3. He didn’t feel respected
A man can’t build a life with a woman who doesn’t respect him. He has to feel that his partner has his back above and beyond anyone else — he must know that in his weakest moment, she will shower him with acceptance. Because, you see, here is the hidden truth about your value: you are the key to his greatness.
In order for him to unlock all that he has within him, including his tenderness and willingness to commit, he needs a deep and underlying foundation of respect.
With a high caliber woman by his side he can take greater risks in life and actually experience more freedom than ever possible by himself.
So now that you know the reasons why he left, how do you start to get him back? It’s time to reflect and begin to take immediate action to rectify the situation if you still truly love him. Once you know how to breakthrough his defenses and touch the deepest part of his heart, he’ll feel an overwhelming calm and trust that you truly (finally) get him.

Why You Should Say No To Being Someone’s Option

Saying no — for people pleases, especially, saying this one-syllable, two-letter word is extremely difficult to do. The thought of saying it out loud is comparable to the thought of saying the worst curse word in the world in front of a congregation. It just doesn’t feel right, ever.
Hell, if you think about it, even saying no to strangers is hard! It is always a huge internal debate on how to politely say no to the Saks cashier as she asks if you would like to sign up for the credit card upon your purchase.
As dreaded as this word can be, in certain situations, it is absolutely crucial to not only say it, but stick to your guns when you do so. An extremely crucial time to say it is when it comes to matters of the heart. No can be the fiercest, cruelest, most heavy word anyone in a relationship can say to their partner. It carries massive weight and importance, as it should. It also makes it that much scarier to say.
Emotions and attachments throw a monkey wrench in an already hard problem with this word. However, if there is one time that you should absolutely say no when it comes to relationships, it is saying no to being “an option.”
Being an option for a guy is about as easy as it can get for him, but extremely difficult and gut-wrenching for you. Whether you are an option for him as friends with benefits, a constant rebound after his relationships fail, text buddies who never actually hang out, consistently in a gray area with no commitment, or any other form of option, this is not an equal or fair relationship.
This relationship is based on him. If he is taken at the moment, you are stuck waiting until he is single again. If he is free on Friday, you either make Friday happen or you don’t see him at all. If he says to keep your relationship a secret, you do. You are constantly following his lead, his calls.
This is what being an option looks like. It sounds pretty sh*tty right? However, it’s likely most girls have found themselves in this position at one point or another. So if being an option is so godawful, why have we been there?
There could be a million reasons girls choose to be an option for an amount of time, but they all probably revolve around the word hope. You hope someday he comes around and realizes how great you are, you hope he breaks up with his girlfriend, you hope you find someone else,and until then, he gives you something to do, and the list goes on. This premise of hope is keeping you in the throes of an undeserving man and holding you back from finding happiness within yourself.
This right here is where we hope you say the dreaded word no. Stop and think about this man for a minute. Ask yourself: if I am right here and he has me . . . why is he even looking to find someone? Why won’t he commit to me? Why is he committing to someone else?
These little tough questions should be the gunpowder in your guns when you next encounter this guy to say no, and stick to it. Respect yourself enough to let a guy indulge in your time only if he realizes how great you are, wants to commit to you, and isn’t the sole voice in the relationship about how involved or uninvolved it gets. Utter that simple one-syllable, two-letter word — you will thank yourself that you did.

Do these 8 things to make people think you’re more attractive than you actually are.

8 Ways To Appear More Attractive Than You Actually Are

You may feel that there’s little you can do to change how attractive you are. However, there are small changes that anyone can do with little time and effort that can influence the way people perceive how attractive you are.

Avoid small talk
Experiments have been done that compare people who talk about surface issues with people who talk about deeper topics. These studies show that people who talk about themselves, their beliefs or their passions believe that their partners are more attractive than those who discuss the weather or other shallow subjects.
Eye contact
When you meet someone new, note what color their eyes are. You will look into their eyes just a bit more than you normally would. That extra eye contact can make you appealing to the other person.
Personal Hygiene
There’s no accounting for what a good shower can do for your attractiveness. You smell better, your hair looks nicer, and it shows that you value yourself. Also, don’t forget to brush those teeth, trim that beard, and use deodorant. These things will do wonders.
Hand Gestures
People rate those who use hand gestures as more engaging and confident, characteristics that are valued. Use hand gestures to up your attractiveness.
Dress well
You might not have control over how your nose looks (barring any plastic surgery related modifications), but you can decide what clothes go on your body. Believe it or not, what you choose to wear has a great effect on the level of your attractiveness. In fact, even if you’re not a particularly gorgeous gal, people will think you’re more attractive if you dress well.
People who smile are rated as more attractive than those who don’t so if you want to be better looking, just show those pearly whites.
Play hard to get
At least for men, this can be a useful tactic. Studies show that women are more likely to be interested in men when they can’t figure out whether or not he’s interested in them. It’s hypothesized that this is because women think a lot about the guy while trying to figure out if he likes them. Because she is thinking so much about the guy, the she concludes that she must like him.
Smell good
Having a nice scent triggers people’s brains to make you seem more attractive over all. A small spritz of perfume or cologne can make you seem better looking.

Facebook CEO, Mark Zuckerberg Teaches Baby Daughter To Swim

CEO of Facebook, Mark Zukerberg is definitely one of the proudest dads in the world.
The billionaire just shared a cute photo of his 2 month old daughter, Max in the swimming pool.
“Max’s first swim. She loves it!” the Facebook CEO captioned the photo.
The cutest photo ever!!!

What A Billionaire’s Wardrobe Should Look like | Photo

Facebook founder, Mark  Zuckerberg, is worth about $35billion…

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He shared a photo of what his wardrobe looks like, asking what he can wear after his paternity leave.

But a lot of his followers did not bother answering him and from the comments. you can deduce how they are all surprised about the billionaire’s simple lifestyle!

Thursday, 17 September 2015

3 Ways Facebook Can Wreck Your Relationships

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Social media is one of the greatest tools on the planet for staying connected, but ironically, it’s also potentially one of the most dangerous forces for tearing relationships apart.
Here are a few of the most dangerous and destructive behaviors that you should avoid at all costs. If you don’t have the self-control to stop doing these things online, you, your relationships and the world would probably be a lot better off if you just deleted all your social media accounts.
If you want to protect your relationships and your own reputation, NEVER do the following…
1. Publicly criticize or vent about someone
Especially in marriage, one of your primary roles as a spouse is to protect your spouse. That protection is not only a physical protection but a protection of their honor. It is never appropriate to air someone else’s dirty laundry in a public forum just to make yourself feel justified in your frustration towards them. This is also not a way to promote healing or growth in your relationship; it just creates a cycle of more resentment and dysfunction. Praise people publicly and if there’s ever a need for criticism, always give it privately and humbly.
2. Post anything at all while you’re angry or intoxicated
Anger and alcohol have one thing in common…they both make you say things that you’ll usually regret later. Ranting while you’re angry is kind of like throwing up…it might make you feel better, but it will make everyone around you feel sick.
3. Belittle people with opinions or beliefs different than your own
Especially in election seasons, I watch in disbelief as my “friends” from both sides of the aisle sling mud at one another on facebook. There’s rarely healthy or meaningful dialogue or debate; only insults and generalizations. I’m a person of strong convictions and I hope you are as well, but climbing on to an online soapbox and shouting insults at those who disagree with us isn’t a way to build relationships or win people to our way of thinking; it’s just another way to damage relationships.
Here’s the bottom line…every word you speak (whether online or in person) has lasting effects, so let wisdom guide your words. When I was a kid, Mom would say, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!” I think that’s especially good advice when it comes to social media.

Cossy Orjiakor Shows Off Her Big B00bs From Germany

The actress is still lounging in Frankfurt, Germany and shared this photo from her night outing…

Cossy Ojiakor Flaunts Her Trademark B00bs In Frankfurt

Controversial Nollywood actress, Cossy Ojiakor, who recently won her first international award in Frankfurt last weekend; is having a good time in Germany.
On September 16, Cossy shared a sexy picture of her pouting in the city of Frankfurt at night.
Night life in Frankfurt… Red alert..” wrote Cossy Ojiakor in the caption of the picture.
On September 8, 2015 Cossy Ojiakor revealed that she likes men with banging bodies. “”I love hot men, really hot, that banging body to die for, and also he must be a lot richer than me” she said in an interview with Encomium Weekly.
In June, Cossy Ojiakor declared that she would love to make her b*tt bigger. “I would get that kind of Nicki Minaj kind of b*tt. I would get massive backside. If I have more money, I would make my backside bigger” she told Punch.

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

14-Year-Old American Muslim Arrested Over His Homemade Clock Mistaken For Bomb

A 14-year-old boy was arrested by police in Texas after a homemade clock he wanted to show his school teachers was mistaken for a bomb. Ahmed Mohamed told US media that he had made a clock at home and brought it into MacArthur High School in Irving to show his engineering teacher.
Another teacher saw it and, concerned it looked like a bomb, alerted school authorities who called the police.
His father fears the incident happened because of his son’s Muslim background. The Council on American-Islamic Relations says it is investigating the incident. There was a strong reaction to the story on social media.
Ahmed Mohamed told the Dallas Morning News that he loved engineering and wanted to show his teachers what he could do. He said his engineering teacher had congratulated him but advised him “not to show any other teachers”. The teenager said another teacher became aware of it when the device beeped during the lesson.

How To Know If He Is Marriage Material

You’ve been dating pretty seriously for a while now. You’re really into this guy. He’s attractive, he’s funny and he seems to “get you.” You know he feels strongly about you, too, so now you’re wondering if you are truly ready for the next big step of your relationship: marriage.
As much as Hollywood likes to sell us on the love-at-first-sight romance movies filled with cute one-liners and happy-ever-after ending, real life doesn’t work that way. Marriage is a huge commitment. Sometimes while dating one or both partners have a tendency to ignore red flags or think, “After we get married, those things will just sort themselves out.” If you are seriously considering tying the knot with the man in your life, here are a few questions to ask yourself to make sure he is “the one.”
Does he have goals and ambitions?
When you commit to spending the rest of your life with someone, you not only commit to him, but his work ethic, his time management and how those things will affect your future family. Does he take his job or goals in life seriously? Is he wise with his time and money? Does he set goals or have a plan of what he wants to do with his life?
Yes, life happens and the economy isn’t perfect. but if you feel he’s lazy, often blows off work obligations or is unable to hold down a job, those things are a major red flags. In this case, you will want to reassess your relationship.
How does he behave under stress?
Particularly in the beginning of a relationship, we are all on our best behavior — especially when we’re really into someone. We tend to hide some of our shortcomings and character flaws. Try to take note of how your guy reacts in a variety of situations. It’s easy to smile and put on your best self when you’re enjoying a nice dinner together or taking long walks on the beach. How does he react when he has a pressing deadline or he’s stuck in rush hour traffic? Can he keep his cool in difficult situations or is he easily provoked?
Keep in mind we are all human and it’s impossible to find someone who is happy 100 percent of the time. Bottom line: Find someone who can roll with the punches, who lessens not adds to your own stress, and doesn’t make you feel like you’re walking on eggshells when problems arise.
How does he handle conflict in the relationship?
When you have a difference of opinion or misunderstanding, does he shut you out or does he want to talk things through? Does he try to validate your feelings or is he more concerned about being right? Conflict is a normal part of any relationship. You take two people with different backgrounds and personalities and there will inevitably be a disagreement at some point. I like these words by Family Advocate Bruce C. Hafen in regards to conflict: “The difference between a successful and an unsuccessful marriage is not in whether there are such times of tension, but in whether and how the tensions are resolved.”
Does he give you wings or suffocate you?
When you tell him about being accepted into a masters program or how you would love to get into photography, does he encourage and support you? Does he make you feel capable and strong or does he belittle your aspirations and feel threatened by your successes? Especially when it comes your dreams, you want someone who will buoy you up, not hold you back from all you can become.
Does he have any addictions?
p****graphy, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use and wasting large amounts of time playing video or computer games are several huge red flags. Be wary of someone who may be hiding such behavior and don’t turn a blind eye if you suspect something is amiss. You don’t want to marry someone who you think you can fix or who exhibits reckless or impulsive behavior. This is your life and happiness at stake. Bringing uncontrolled addictions into a marriage is just a recipe for misery and guarantees a life of hardship.
Does he respect you?
This one is a biggie. Sometimes we can mistake our partner’s feedback as constructive criticism, when really it’s just a sneaky way of saying, “I want you to be, act or look a certain way.” When you offer your opinion, is he sarcastic or condescending? Or, do you feel heard and valued? Do you feel you have to act or look a certain way around him to feel loved or accepted? When considering your future spouse and father for you children, choose someone who will treat you as his equal, who will respect you as his partner, lover and friend.
Am I a happier, better person because of him?
Probably one of the best indicators of knowing if he is your Mr. Right is that you feel like a better person for knowing him. Yes, his text messages give you b*tterflies and his hugs and kisses make you melt like b*tter. But do you truly cherish and enjoy your time together and do you feel like he builds you up and brings out your best qualities? Are you a happier, more complete person because he is a part of your life?
Marriage takes work, it takes commitment and a high degree of patience and tolerance from both partners. Don’t get so caught up in the idea of marriage that you don’t stop to evaluate the person with whom you will share everything emotional, mental and physical. When considering whether your man is truly marriage material, remember these wise words from Family Advocate David O. McKay: “During courtship we should keep our eyes wide open, but after marriage keep them half-shut.”